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Visiting America's Oldest City | Saint Augustine

Visiting America's Oldest City | Saint Augustine

I can honestly say, when it comes to traveling, I have always found a way to make it happen. Traveling is such a holistic part of me, I truthfully don't see myself living my life any other way. I have been so blessed these past few months to be able to travel as much as I have. In ways I cant even explain, I’ve always found a way to fulfill my travel bug and I will continue to work hard to keep it alive.  

It’s funny - a friend of mine approached me the other day and asked me, “So Nicole, where to next?” Realizing that the lifestyle I love to maintain still costs a good amount of money, I slightly laughed and responded, “Well according to my bank account, only to Walmart since thats all I can afford.. and that’s just to look around.”

Coming to surface to my own reality of bills, chores, and saving money for my next big adventure, I refuse to stay put. So to keep my blog current with exciting new places, I sought out different places in my area that I could maybe travel to. I searched and found the perfect place to explore. Saint Augustine. 

Saint Augustine is known to be the oldest city in America. Don Pedro Menendez de Aviles, also known as King Phillip II, founded this piece of land in 1565. To this day, Saint Augustine is still the oldest and continuously populated settlement in the United States.

I’m telling you, the moment I drove to the old city it was like driving back in time. The cobbled streets and stone signs transported me into a different part of the world. The narrow streets led to one way streets. The green trees umbrella[d] over old houses created a blend of sunshine, shadows, and warmth. The old European architecture buildings overwhelmed the corners of the old city and the colorful blocks that covered the rooftops were complimented by the sun beams. Even though it is currently spring in Florida, that day felt like summer. The restaurants and bars were surrounded by flowers and every store and gift shop felt cozy and personal. I realized I was no longer in "Florida." I was in 1565.  

Saint Augustine definitely took me to a different era and sparked my interest to visit Spain. It gave me a new sense of motivation for my next big adventure that I'm seriously considering this summer. [insert emoji smirk] Traveling to a new place is the best way to stimulate your brain and enrich your life with new discoveries. So just remember whether it is across the street or across the world, always find time to travel to a new world near you.

Thank you so much for reading! Is there a place in your area you've always wanted to travel to? Let me know in the comments and don't forget to subscribe!

Advice to the Person Who Just Doesn't Know

Advice to the Person Who Just Doesn't Know

C O L O R A D O | Getting High & Discovering a Small World

C O L O R A D O | Getting High & Discovering a Small World