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Advice to the Person Who Just Doesn't Know

Advice to the Person Who Just Doesn't Know

If a person was given a box of words to express their opinions, my friend Sasha’s box would be the size of a tic-tac box. Her words always came from love, but the only way she knew how to express that was to literally be very upfront and in my face about it. It’s because of her (along with other family members and life experiences) that I have become very in tune with my emotions. I call myself out on my own behavior, even when I know I am wrong or acting insecure.  Trust me, I do not know it all. I do though, know enough to KNOW what I'm talking about. So here's some advice to the person who just doesn't know…


1. “I don’t know how to feel about the person I'm talking to…” 

You are entitled to what you feel, so if you're feeling confused, unsure, or unhappy about someone, just say it. The only way you'll be successful in dating and getting to know someone is by always being honest about what you want. If you want to be in a relationship then say it. If you want to be taken out, say it. Often times people put on a tough face and pretend they don't care, but deep down do. So swallow your pride and claim what you know you deserve. Set the standard for yourself and stick with it. You'd be surprised on how much time you'll save by always being upfront about what you want.


2. “I don’t know where this relationship is going...” 

If you are asking yourself this question then that means you already know the answer to it. I used to make the mistake of leaving it up to the person I was with to determine what the next step was in the relationship once it started to go bad. Instead of sticking my ground and saying "I'm done" I would give my partner space to see how far they were willing to fight for me. I needed to know they still cared and wanted to know how far they were willing to go. Of course, they didn't put much effort and eventually ended the relationship. Ironically, even though I knew it was ending, I still felt heartbroken because they made the decision for the both of us. So if you know deep down the relationship is over, be strong-minded enough to walk away when its time.


3. “I don’t know my purpose” 

This thought is very narrow-minded. Do you want to know why? Because we’re closing our capabilities of life into this idea that we are only capable of offering one. The purpose I choose to live is to serve the world my gratitude to my blessings and following my passions. Our purpose is to live on purpose


4. “I don’t know what to do with my life” 

Neither does anyone else so let's take a deep breath. When I was a child I wanted to be a singer and a dancer, then a poet, a model, a psychiatrist, an accountant, financial analyst, and now a writer. Our minds change all the time about what we want out of life, I know mine does about 4 times before lunch time. Let go of the pressure of figuring it all out in one day. 


5. “I just don't know…” 

Trust me…I don’t know either. I don't know how the day will go, how long I'll live for, if I'll ever live the life I want to live, if I'll meet “the one”, or simply make it to work on time. I don't know how life works. Every time I think I have it figured out, I get older and my perspective changes. What I learned now is not knowing the answers to everything is not always a bad thing. Embracing the unknown is why we make mistakes and learn from them. Not knowing is why we trust and love. It hurts sometimes in the end, but not knowing is why we never give up.  


Thank you so much for reading!! Are there things you are unsure about? Let me know in the comments or private email. Don't forget to subscribe to get first dibs on my articles when they are immediately posted!! 

Traveling Back in Time in Havana, Cuba

Traveling Back in Time in Havana, Cuba

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