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23 Things I Learned in 23 Years | What I'll Take with Me at 24

23 Things I Learned in 23 Years | What I'll Take with Me at 24

Nearly four years into my 20’s and I’ll tell you right now, if anyone tells you “it’ll get easier as you get older” is a damn liar. I have learned that not knowing it all is actually a great thing, although for most of us in our 20’s it is the scariest. However, I am here to tell you that neither I, you, nor that candid model on Instagram holding a champagne glass does NOT have it all figured out- so be easy on yourself.


I was looking back at my photo stream album on my computer and couldn’t help but laugh at myself for the different events that have happened since I graduated high school and claimed my independence. I scrolled over screenshots of text messages from past relationships, funny photos of drinking way too much, and all the different places I have been so blessed to travel to.  Furthermore, it has reminded me where I have been will only mold me to where I want to end up. So with that I wrote a list of 23 things I have learned from relationships, school, family, and money. I hope this list helps you now and/or reminds you that just like you, I am still figuring things out.


23 things:


1.     Losing friends is a sign of growth, not loss.

2.     Don’t be afraid to be honest about what you want.

If you want to be in a relationship, want a raise, or are unhappy…just fucking say it.

3.     If you find yourself involve with the same kind of people, the issue isn’t with them, it is within you.

4.     Being full of yourself isn’t a bad thing.

& f*ck anyone who says it is.

5.     You CANNOT save an addict.

You are not responsible for being another person’s savior- you’ll lose yourself instead.

6.     Don’t mistake loyalty for slavery.

7.     Your mother DOES know it all.

8.     You’re not doing your boss a favor by being an employee.

9.     A candid picture of drinking a mimosa on a yacht is not a picture of success.

10. College is not a race; you’ll fail thinking so.

11. When you feel stuck in life, become aware that it means you need a change.

12. You will never regret putting yourself first.

13. Always check your bank statements.

14. Always use spellcheck.

15. Although it’s funny to think so…alcohol isn’t the solution. Sucking it up and being an adult is.

16. Don’t forget to call your mom on your birthday. It was a special day for her too.

17. The only way you’ll ever find yourself is by traveling.

It took me getting lost in Rome with just a map, getting lost in Paris with no money, hiking the tallest mountain in Dominican Republic for 3 days, traveling to Seattle by myself, and studying politics in Belgium to come to terms with who I am.

18. There is nothing wrong with therapy.

19. Everyone has anxiety. Just breathe.

20. Don’t ever give a person the opportunity to break your heart twice.

21. Expensive things do not signify your success, because in most cases it just shows how much you can borrow. (In other words…if you’re using your credit card to buy it, you can't afford it…I am guilty of this)

22. Always say hello.

23. You wont find happiness in your phone, so put it down once in a while.



So what will I be taking with me at 24? A reminder that I am not getting any younger. Therefore, I’ll be taking more chances, more leaps of faith, and trusting more in myself than anyone else.



I hope this article helps you in anyway. I would love your feedback! If you have any questions, comments, or positive feedback feel free to email me at Nicoleacev92@gmail.com Thanks for reading! :) 

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