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Forget Your Passport! | Why Puerto Rico is Your Next Travel Destination

Forget Your Passport! | Why Puerto Rico is Your Next Travel Destination

Imagine sitting on an old wooden chair on the balcony of an old Gilligan island themed house turned beach bar. Out ahead on the horizon you notice the translucent waves of water crash against each other. You’re drinking a fresh mojito with Don Q rum and mint leaves and although your phone is right next to you, you don’t even bother to check the time nor document this perfect moment on snap chat.

Why? Because that is exactly what paradise feels like. It feels like you are so far out of your element, you don’t want to be connected with social media or even let the world know where you are. At this very moment of looking across the ocean, feeling as small as the exotic animals that wonder in the rainforest up in the mountains that are only 5 miles ahead…you are in complete solitude. For just this moment, this is the kind of loneliness you've been wanting. 

I once had a conversation with someone where I told them they had to go to Puerto Rico, even if it was just for the weekend. Their immediate response was, “I don’t know…there’s nothing in Puerto Rico I care to see.” 

[Insert death stare] 

You can imagine the blood vessel that nearly popped on my forehead as my first reaction. Instead of taking this comment as an insult, I took it as an opportunity to reveal the beauty of the island in my own words.

You see Puerto Rico is more than just a small island; it is compacted with so much history, art, and music.  Places like Old San Juan which is known to be a touristy place still mirrors the heart of Puerto Rico. It is impossible not to become obsessed with the colorful and vibrant streets.

Regardless on where you are on the island, due to the high mountains of green trees, the air is so crisp you can smell the vegetation in the wind. The smell of warm salty air mixed with the smell of fresh shrimp mofongo, or aclapurria will have you begging for the recipe.

As sad as it is to admit, depending on who you ask, you'll get a different opinion of what some people may think of Puerto Ricans. In most cases it is a negative thought and because of this, is why people allow their impressions of bad stereotypes dictate their expectations of the island. However, this bad stereotype does not identify nor speak for EVERY Puerto Rican.

The people of Puerto Rico are generous, warm, and hospitable. Every person you encounter welcomes you with such acceptance, you understand the compelling and loving nature of their Latin culture. The people, the artists, and the families are the true heart of this paradise.

Don’t get me wrong, I'm not saying Puerto Rico is a complete Utopia. There are places on the island no one should ever cross towards or end up for the sake of safety, just like any place in general. However, for a place that is only 2 hours away from the states, without a passport needed, there are more than enough reasons to visit this exotic little island known as Puerto Rico. <3

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