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Do You Even Thrift? | How to & Look Book

Do You Even Thrift? | How to & Look Book

If you’re anything like me, shopping can either be something to look forward to, or something to dread. When I walk into a store, there are only 2 things I look for: color coordination and a table that lays out pieces that make putting an ensemble of clothing together appear easy. If I see a clothing rack infested with unorganized hangers, and a table of unfolded clothes, my anxiety level goes up, I’m screaming, “fuck this shit” and walking out of the store. I’m not sure if my busy schedule eliminates my patience to take the time to shop, but the only way I’m doing it, is if its easy.

So how did I come up with this article?


Well, when you’re in college, broke AF, yet still want to look cute, sometimes you have to compromise. Of course, I know thrifting is beyond me, I’m not the first to come up with this brilliant idea. However, thanks to my hippie best friend Megan, and my Pinterest app, I found thrifting to be fun and beneficial.

Ironically, the most compliments I’ve ever received on an outfit have been from what I’ve purchased in thrift stores.

Such as this gorgeous dress! For those who know me have heard me brag about this particular dress. Maybe because it’s Armani and I only paid $14 for it. I know, I know. So how does one thrift? How does one find the name brand clothes in a messy, clutter, antique, hand me down store? The answer? Patience and time. The top two things you’re going to need when going on an adventure of thrifting. So here are some tips I’ve learned from professional thrifters, and impatient ones (such as myself.)

Rule # 1 Be Prepared to Look!

The worst mistake you can make thrift shopping is looking for something specific; you’ll drive yourself crazy! Instead, go with an open mind. You’re not going to find something good right away, hell maybe not even on that day! However, when you do, it’s like finding gold!

Rule # 2 Pay Attention to Material, Color, then Brand

It’s easy to get caught up with purchasing something just for the name of the brand. You’ll find yourself wearing a 2003 Michael Kors peach-toned knee length dress, when in reality it’s supposed to be a vivid tangerine maxi dress. Don’t do it to yourself. Look at the material, the color, THEN the brand, in that exact order.

Rule # 3 Consider is it worth it?

If it costs more to repair, then just toss it. DIY’s are just not worth it, because if it’s going to cost you more than $15 you’re better off buying it brand new. Unless it’s a wedding dress then I don’t know honey you’re on your own.

Rule # 4 Know When to Thrift

Aim to shop in the beginning of the week. Normally people with busy work schedules tend to donate their goods on the weekends, which give thrift shops time to go through the merchandise before they put it up in the store. So by Monday you’ll get first grabs on the newest items they have donated. Also, places like Goodwill and Salvation Army give additional discounts for students. I got 80 cents off of a Parisian coffee table book. Although it’s not much, it still only cost me $1.20

Rule # 5 Patience yet Picky

Going through piles of clothes can be draining and sometimes you just want to settle for what you can find. NO! Don’t just buy anything at a thrift store. That’s how you end up with old shit in your closet. Pick things that scream out to you that seem unique. I went to Georgia a few weeks ago and stopped at this thrift shop. I looked through the racks for about 20 minutes before I saw this white dress. It hung on the hangar a little weird and it didn’t have a tag so I couldn’t tell the brand. I kept holding it up trying to make sense of it. My mom saw me analyzing this white dress and said, “Just try it on.” So I did, and then I bought it.

I hope these rules help you master the art of thrifting, and you find treasures that make you feel absolutely fabulous. Thanks for reading! 

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